The Story of How We First Met a.k.a The Best Restaurant in Beijing

Ok, so I don’t know if it’s the best Mexican restaurant in Beijing because its the only one I went to but to me, in my own biased opinion, it’s actually the best restaurant in the world.

I first stumbled upon Q-mex by accident. I was intending to go to another restaurant, one that rated higher than Q-mex on trip advisor (I will never know if it was better now). While wandering around looking for the other restaurant, which turned out to be in a darkly lit location, my friend and I were stopped by someone who was asking for directions to Q-mex, we didn’t know where Q-mex was and sent the person on their way. We continued walking and lo and behold there was Q-mex. There were so many people outside and everyone looked like they were having a good time. It was then we decided to give up and go into Q-mex.

Lucky for us we stumbled into the best night we had while in Beijing. It was Wednesday and Wednesday is apparently trivia night. On trivia night you get free beers just for participating and free beers throughout for winning certain rounds etc. My friend and I participated in trivia night because why the hell not. We didn’t win but we had a fun time doing it and we got free beers. We also got free drinks for following Q-mex on wechat.

And then there was the food. Man on man hands down the best burrito bowl I’ve had in my life. My friend ordered an appetizer (sorry I can’t remember the name) that brought her to tears. We loved it so much we went back the next night, which was our last night in Beijing, and waited 45 minutes to get a seat because it was totally worth it.

Ever since that night, I have not been able to stop talking about Q-mex, so I’ll just leave this link here, incase anyone wants to check it out.


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