The Power of Belief

I recently finished the book The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg and it really changes your perspective on things. The narrative was mix of research and anecdotal storytelling, which I really enjoyed. It relayed information that could be considered boring if told wrong, through different stories that proved what the author was trying to convey, which is how powerful habits are.

A big takeaway I got from the book was how strong belief plays into changing your habits, or creating good ones. It’s not only being consciously aware that you have these habits but it’s the belief that you can change or that you can do what you set out to do. Once you get past the hard part, that is starting something challenging, and you keep in mind that you can continue to go on, even though it’s hard and it sucks and/or it physically and mentally hurts to continue doing something, it is then you can truly form a habit. Because the hard part does get easier and eventually it’s something that you do without even thinking about it. And from that habit, other good habits can come from it.

A good habit that I want to form and that I’ve always struggled with was exercising. I’ve eventually just said that it isn’t for everyone and I’m just one of those people, I’ll never learn to love it. I’ve always had a negative mindset that I can’t exercise, and maybe that’s where I went wrong. I’ve never actually made it past the hard part of exercising, but with a new outlook after reading this book, I’m going to try again. But this time the big difference is that I’ll believe in myself. I’ll also keep in mind all the tools I was given in this book and see if I could form the good habit of exercising and getting in shape. I know it’ll be challenging and it’s not something that will happen over night but at least now I believe in my ability to do it.